Pursue Thy Devotion – Short Poem

Pursue Thy Devotion

Short Poem


In the pursuit of a better lifestyle

I exposed a bitter truth…

— a realization, of sorts–

an exposed and coarse

experienced mind at work

The gravitational force

of a woman steering an

unharnessed horse.

This is not my heroic verse,

no, my love

this is a verse much worse.

My quirks are cursed for I am

the first to reverse your perverse flirts

a convert to atrocious work

The psychosis diagnosed as neurosis

A morosis of my ignorant emotions

to our explosive devotion

Psychosis (n.): any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted

neurosis (n.): a mental or personality disturbance not attributable to any known neurological or organic dysfunction

perverse (adj.): turned away from or rejecting what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt

Morosis (n.): The stupidest of stupidities

The Daily Post Word Prompts:

**Sorry about the large word bank, guys! I was on vacation and now have to play catch-up!**


Bleed Easy – No. 5 – When We Were Us

Bleed Easy

No. 5 A Typographic Series

When We Were Us


It’s so easy

To write of tragedy

When my heart bleeds

For thee;


Yet I yearn to compose

A poem of our effervescent repose

An omnipresence acceptance

The essence of your presence


How do I explain such transcendence?

When this affliction is incessant

I need parole from this sentence


Measuring the Weather

Measure – Daily Word Prompt

April 14, 2017



Individually suffering in an

abundance of compathy— Yet,

Your ideology’s indulgence is redundant apathy.


if you measure the weather

by the feathers of it’s ledger

the viscosity parallels

 an improbability—

the psycho-physiology-anomaly;

The capacity of a storm

is not in it’s dimension

We must measure constantly.

For, like us:

it’s a dichotomy of

variant dissonance

that prays

For deliverance.


Compathy / Compathic – Feelings shared with others 

dichotomy – division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups

dissonance – disagreement or incongruity.

Absolve my sanity

I’ve cried myself to sleep 

For weeks and weeks and weeks
Can I turn the other cheek 

And whelve my self-critique? 
Our Mizpah morphed into a

Tacenda; so

Let’s bury our agenda.
Absolve our formality 
Deject rationality 

forget the mutuality.

We’ve ended the  cyclicality.

This fatality….

I’ve lost all sanity. 


How is it 

That you find your way 

Into everything I do

Even after you’ve said your through?

For a man of such power, you really 

Lack in valor. 

Alexander, the man with walls like towers, 

your name differentiates each turret with deliberate exquisiteness:

 the desolate spirit carved from a dysplasia of  alexithymia

The handmade blockade of slanderous stone. Frayed from grenades of those who invade. You conveyed a charade to those you could  persuade.

Yet, I found an alternate arbor…climbed the platonic tower –with ironic willpower– 

Only to uncover

my passionate commander of candor,

 my illicit Alexander. 

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